Tactic, Guatemala
you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards
of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10
Last Summer our family took a step of faith and went to Tactic, Guatemala to serve with Impact Ministries. We were all touched, inspired, and changed by we experienced there and we sensed a clear calling that the Lord was leading us to return with a new group of servants for His kingdom.
This Summer (July, 2023) we are planning on returning on another journey back to Guatemala with a team from our church family at Faith Community Bible Church. We are praying for the ones God has chosen to join us and we are anticipating with great joy what He is going to do through us and in us.
Would you consider joining us in prayer as we prayer to lead this team? Pray the the Lord would bring together this team, and for Him to guide the work of this ministry to serve the people of Guatemala according to His will.
As we prepare financially, would you also pray and consider becoming a financial supporter for us? We are trusting the Lord as He directs our steps and we believe that He provides all we need for every aspect of life & ministry.
If you are interested in hearing more about the trip or would like to partner with us in this ministry in one of these ways, please get in touch by filling out the contact form on the right hand side of this page.
In Christ,
The Denham family