Saturday, May 13, 2023

Mission update!


For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’  
Romans 10:13-15

Dear friends & family - 

We are writing with joy and excitement to share that we will be returning to Guatemala this July to partner with Impact Ministries in serving the people in and around Tactic, Guatemala.   Last Summer our family was given the opportunity to serve there for two weeks along with a team from a church in Indiana, providing medical care and sharing the message of salvation in Jesus.  Each member of our family was deeply impacted by the experience of being used by God there, and we returned home with a clear sense of His calling to return and continue to serve.  

This Summer we have had the doors open for us to now lead a team from our church family.  The Lord has answered prayer and clearly guided the hearts of each person in the formation of the team.  As we continue to lead this team forward in planning and preparation, we want to invite you to partner with us in a couple ways.  

Scripture tells us that our battle is not against flesh & blood, but against the powers of this dark world and that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus would be granted for the building of the Kingdom of God.  Would you join us in praying that the Lord would guide every aspect of the work of this ministry?  
  • Pray for strength and wisdom as we seek to walk in obedience with every step that He has planned in advance for us to do 
  • Pray for opportunities to show love & mercy as we provide healthcare to those that are in great need
  • Pray for freedom from strife, suffering, and all forms of oppression for the people of Guatemala
  • Pray for the gospel of Jesus to be spread throughout the country, and for opportunities for our team to share this good news with those we encounter

As we plan & prepare, we would also ask for you to pray and consider providing financial support for us in this mission.  We have placed our trust in the Lord that He will provide all that is needed for the work ahead.  In this way, we invite you to partner with us in this work.  We are seeking to raise funds to meet the expenses of our travel and needs while in Guatemala.  

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this mission or would like to join with us in prayer or in giving, you can do so in several ways.  Please continue to visit this blog for updates on the mission, and also get in touch.  If you’d like to partner with us financially, you can contribute via Venmo by using the link or QR code on the right side or get in touch with us for details on sending funds via check. 

May His name endure forever, His fame continue as long as the sun! May people be blessed in Him, all nations call Him blessed! 
Psalm 72:17

In Christ, 
The Denham family (JP, Heidi, Jake, Lucy, Ruby, and Zoe)